New Micro Video Tracker from GE

GE Intelligent Platforms

is introducing the ADEPT3000 small automatic miniature video tracker for embedded computing applications such as unmanned aircraft systems and man-portable devices where size, weight, and power consumption (SWaP) are primary design concerns.

GE demonstrated the device this past week at the SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing conference in Orlando, Florida.

The ADEPT3000 provides high-quality single-target tracking with standard-definition analogue video signals. The device measures 24 by 35 millimetres and weighs six grams — about the size of a microprocessor — and operates as a stand-alone unit on printed circuit boards.

The miniature video tracker uses on-board serial links to communicate with many different kinds of platforms, and comes with intuitive menu-driven software, GE officials say. It is rugged enough for aerospace, defence, and other harsh-environment applications. Its environmental specifications are subject to mounting.

GE has designed the ADEPT3000 as a versatile image-processing subsystem with common video and communications links.

Source: Press Release


  1. Could you send me more informations about ADEPT3000?
    I would like to receive the ADEPT3000 technical data and know when will GE put this product in the market and the estimated price.


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