Military Video Image-Stabilisation Technology Now Available For Home Use


is marketing the image-stabilisation technology, called Ikena ISR, which they developed for military use, to fix shaky home video with military-grade image stabilisation, under the brand name vReveal.

MotionDSP’s image stabilisation tech is normally used to turn a Predator’s video feed into something usable after cleaning up all the rattling from air currents. The home version vReveal auto-corrects just about anything that can go wrong with digital images and video including contrast, white balance, color-correction, lighting issues, and of course image stabilization. The programme can also import to a variety of file formats and upload directly to YouTube.

The programme is free to download and use as shareware with vReveal logo watermarked on any corrected video. There is also a $50 Premium version: videos are clean, create panoramic images from panning video, and save to the high-definition H.264 format.

Source: PC World

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