$20M Asian Contracts for Elbit Electro-Optical Systems

CoMPASS Payload Shot from 8,000 ft

Elbit Systems Ltd. announced that it was awarded contracts by several customers in Asia to supply many dozens of observation systems for maritime patrol aircraft, vessels and observation towers. The total value of these new contracts is approximately $20 million, to be supplied over three years.


Elbit Systems Electro-optics Elop Ltd. (“Elop”) will deliver various payloads from the CoMPASS family, including also the Micro CoMPASS, an extremely lightweight electro-optical system already in use by world leading armies, as well as the DCoMPASS, a highly advanced system that provides users with exceptionally high resolution digital imagery for both day and night. 

DCoMPASS is installed onboard patrol aircraft, unmanned aircraft systems, coastguard vessels and frigates that demand long-range observation, aiming and target designation and tracking.  These contracts follow Elbit Systems’ award, approximately three months ago, of another $20 million contract, to supply an Asian country with dozens of CoMPASS payloads for maritime patrol aircraft.


Adi Dar, Elop’s General Manager, commented: “We have witnessed a growth in demand for maritime observation systems, a direct result of the rise in maritime terror throughout the world and the need to protect coastal shores. This demand has resulted in new orders from both existing and new customers, including orders for systems for new platforms. We expect that this success will be followed by additional orders, further strengthening Elop’s position as a world leading observation systems supplier for air, ground and naval applications”.      

Source: Press Release

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