Sinclair Community College UAS Testing at Camp Atterbury

Sinclair UAS Training and Certification Center just posted this video of a recent UAS testing session at Indiana’s Camp Atterbury Joint Maneuver Training Center.

A ten-member team of professionals and trainees assembled on site to test Sinclair’s UAS, beginning with a systems operation overview and through a full demonstration to post-flight conclusion procedures.

Testing began with pre-flight systems checks, including ground station arrangement, power infrastructure layout and catapult launch/net landing checks. After takeoff and touchdown operations, the UAS team initiated cycles of controlled flight, followed by an autonomous operations regimen: sustained altitude/airspeed and waypoint navigation. The UAS then demonstrated a variety of fail-safe functions, including counter-measures for losses of communication, power and GPS tracking capability. The team finished the testing session with thru- and post-flight inspections and test station equipment assessment.

The session provided valuable information on the developmental progress of Sinclair’s UAS technology and field work experience for its trainees.

Source: Web Site

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