Microflown Avisa Mounts Acoustic Vector Sensors On Board Unmanned Aircraft

Discovery Channel attended a first test by Microflown AVISA, and the MicroAerialVehicle Lab from TU Delft, conducted at Vredepeel airbase. 
A Skywalker unmanned aircraft was equipped with both a fish eye camera and an Acoustic Vector Sensor. The AVS detected blasts on the ground, providing the acoustic directional information to retrieve the corresponding video data, confirming the location where the event took place.

Acoustic Vector Sensors on‑board the unmanned aircraft, together with local data processing, can detect and localise gunshots and artillery breaks on the ground. The Microflown system can be used to cue the camera and other narrower field of view sensors to potential targets on the ground.  This data can then be integrated with the video display, providing a visual reference to the operator. The system also has the capability to detect when gunshots are aggressive, i.e. aimed at the aircraft itself.

This allows the aircraft to take evasive action and/or employ countermeasures. 
Aside from the detection of ground based acoustic events, acoustic vector sensors can also be used in a mid-air anti-collision system, also known as Sense & Avoid. The acoustic vector sensors can detect and localise any flying objects approaching the aircraft from any direction, so long as they emit noise. Using novel signal processing techniques, a large number of sound sources around the aircraft can be simultaneously localised, and if necessary, avoiding action can be taken.

Source: Discovery Channel, Web Site

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