In response to the many questions received by the DGAC (French Civil Aviation Authority) concerning the RPAS operator authorizations granted by the DGAC, the decision was taken this summer to make a list of RPAS operators authorized to conduct flight operations in France available online on their web site.
On 3 October 2012, the DGAC published the list of the aerial work operators using RPAS that have received approval to operate in France. This list does not contain operators that have obtained a flight authorization for a specific test flight, and it only covers scenarios S1 up to and including S4, as defined by the DGAC.
This list supplies information on the operator, as well as the relevant flight scenario, the designation of the RPAS, its manufacturer, and the relevant application. The application categories referenced are:
a) (AGR) Agricultural treatments, plant-care & protection and other operations concerning the spreading of products on the ground or dispersing in the atmosphere;
b) (FOR-AGR) Training for the aforementioned activity;
c) (LRG) Dropping of loads of all types;
d) (FOR-LRG) Training for the aforementioned activity;
e) (PUB) Towing of banners or any other form of publicity;
f) (FOR-PUB) Training for the aforementioned activity;
g) (OBS) Survey, photography, aerial observation & surveillance, including fire fighting activities;
h) (FOR-OBS) Training for the aforementioned activities;
i) (AUT) Any other activity requiring a waiver to the rules of the air.
The current list takes into account the approvals granted up to and including 30 September 2012 and can be found here.
This list will be updated on a regular basis.