San Francisco Bay Area Law Enforcement Agencies Test UAS

Alameda County Sheriff Greg Ahern first tested one a UAS about a year ago. Now he’s looking into possibly bringing one to the Bay Area.

His office would be the first in California to do it. Armed with live-video-feeding capabilities and different features, like infrared devices, these aircraft can cost in the ballpark of 50- to 100-thousand dollars or more.

There are several different models, but the one Ahern is considering weighs four pounds and spans four-feet. He says the drones get a birds-eye view that most tactical officers on the ground would never get, sometimes endangering their lives. A demonstration at the county’s Office of Emergency Services building in Dublin a couple months ago featured a man standing in the shadows on a rooftop, with three possible explosives clearly in his reach. The aircraft saw everything; the officers on the ground could not.

“Very valuable to any tactical officer, as you’re setting up your perimeters and knowing what the suspect may have in his hands, how the suspect is dressed, what are the avenues of escape?” Ahern added that his office would only use UAS during emergencies, from a high-speed or high-risk chase to search-and-rescue operations in disasters, as well as proactive policing measures like catching marijuana grows in fields on public lands and in grow houses.

But not everyone is pleased at the growing number of agencies looking to use these UAS. The American Civil Liberties Union or ACLU says UAS should only be deployed when a warrant for a specific crime is involved. The ACLU is also worried that they may harm both privacy and people. In a statement, the ACLU wrote, “UAS manufacturers are also considering offering police the option of arming these remote-controlled aircraft with weapons like rubber bullets, Tasers, and tear gas.”

Sheriff Ahern says an armed aircraft is out of the question. He says local public safety agencies must take advantage of innovation that’s out there, calling it a “no brainer.”

In two weeks, the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office is hosting its annual “Urban Shield” preparedness exercise involving about 30 other law enforcement agencies. That’s where they’ll get the chance to test out different drones in simulations of disasters and high-risk situations to see if they really work. If so, Sheriff Ahern says he has been looking specifically into a federal grant that promotes community policing.

Source: NBC Bay Area

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