Olaeris Offers $15m to Prove New UAS is Effective Emergency Response Option

While many cities and counties struggle to balance budgets, new UAS manufacturer Olaeris is offering $15 Million to prove that their new AEVA unmanned aircraft system will reduce the cost of providing emergency services by at least one million dollars per year, per city.

Olaeris hopes to identify five areas across the U.S., each made up of three adjacent cities or counties. Within those areas, Olaeris intends to install their new AEVA unmanned aircraft systems and train city personnel to use them in 911 emergency response. When a 911 police or fire emergency is received, AEVA can arrive anywhere in the service area within 90 seconds. The average national response time is 8.5 minutes. This allows responders to assess the situation faster and adjust their response based on what is happening at the location.

“We are confident about how our technology can save cities and counties money. Manned helicopters are indispensable to police and firefighting, but they’re also a financial burden and few can afford them,” said Paul Pounds, VP Engineering. “Our technology can help all emergency responders reduce crime, save lives and protect the public. This means improved service and reduced cost, which benefits everybody.”

The Olaeris offer will also create new jobs and growth opportunities for the selected areas. Since unveiling their technology in June, 2012, Olaeris has received expressions of interest from over 20 countries. The company will use this programme to choose where global operations will be based. Each of the U.S. areas selected may become a regional hub for Olaeris where manufacturing, maintenance, operations and training can be established.

“This is a unique opportunity for forward thinking city leaders to engage with us,” said Ted Lindsley, CEO. “There is a lot more at stake here than improved services and budget reductions for the cities we select. Ours is an emerging $89 Billion industry so the economic impact this can have is significant. These areas could become a Silicon Valley of the UAV industry with global outreach.”

City and county officials have until January 15th, 2013 to Contact Olaeris and join the selection process. Finalists should be determined by April 1, 2013.

Source: Press Release

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