The International UAV Innovation Grand Prix (UAVGP 2013) will be held in Beijing in September, 19th-25th, 2013 with a total prize of RMB 1.7 million (USD 275,000 ), composed of Athletics Grand Prix, Creativity Grand Prix, Air Show, Innovative Works Exhibition and Innovation Forum.
Authorized by the Ministry of Science and Technology, AVIC Cup—International UAV Innovation Grand Prix (abbr. UAVGP) is a large-scale biennial aviation event, co-organized by the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) and Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics (CSAA), hosted by AVIC Culture Co. Ltd (Acul). As an aviation mega festival, UAVGP provides an opportunity to show innovative ideas and new-technological works, as well as a platform of international communication for individuals and groups all over the world.
A high-level air show will be tailored to venue and available airspace and held to enhance the Grand Prix. This will include a variety of interesting events including airplane model and parachuting demonstrations.