Tim Lucas, a young Australian developer of Autonomous Unmanned Systems and payloads, made this video to demonstrate how UAS carrying photogrammetry payloads can be used in the industry.The data in this video was gathered using “DINGO” a VTOL UAS designed by Tim.
There is also footage of a smaller variant which will be replacing it. This kind of data can also be gathered on larger areas, with increased precision, this is just a small teaser.
The basics demonstrated in this video is the ability to generate an accurate 3D model representation of anything that is flown over.
Tim created this video for Remote Sense, an Australian company that specialises in high end technology, for UAS, Autonomous Vehicles, Robotics, Electric Vehicles, Navigation and More…
Source: YouTube
Thanks to uasvision.com for posting this up, if you would like any further information regarding this video, my website is http://www.remotesense.com.au
More to come soon!
Tim, excellent video and well presented. Nice software, well done Sir.
UAV Vision