Philippines TV Use UAS for News Reporting and Rescue Operations


In the Philippines, UNTV, a broadcasting company, is going to deploy UAS for news reporting.The network reports that it has already used its DJI Phantom for a number of news reports, including providing aerial video footage of areas hit by typhoon Haiyan, and even in daily traffic reporting.

UNTV CEO Daniel Razon says that using UAS for news reporting is a trial for a greater purpose – rescue operations.

The Philippines is often hit by natural disasters, so Razon says the network is acquiring UAS that can carry life buoys and water to affected areas. It’s also looking into underwater drones to aid in some kinds of rescue operations. He claims that they are first to use UAS in reporting in the Philippines.

While UNTV is lagging behind broadcasting giants in the Philippines in terms of viewers, this hi-tech could bring in new viewers. Hopefully, it can also set the stage for more organizations in the country to consider using UAS for disaster recovery measures.

Source: Yahoo! News

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