Qimarox Studies UAS for Product Palletising

UAS will soon offer a cost-effective and scalable alternative to traditional palletising methods, as demonstrated by this latest Demo3D video commissioned by Qimarox –  a Netherlands-based manufacturer of components for material handling systems, including palletisers and vertical conveyors.

With little superstructure or extensive hardware to install, a UAS-based palletising solution could be deployed rapidly, and should be capable of a relatively high sustained load throughput.

Qimarox has launched a study into the possibilities around using UAS for product palletising. Manufacturers of consumer products can use these flying robots to design a very compact, flexible and scalable palletising process.

As a manufacturer of components for material handling systems, naturally Quimarox’s initial idea would be to apply this to product palletising. According to Operational Manager Jaco Hooijer of Qimarox: ‘Because of the limitations in terms of capacity and ergonomics, using people to stack goods on pallets is no longer an option for most manufacturers of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods. Using UAS, they can fully automate the palletising process, while retaining the much greater level of flexibility and scalability entailed by using real people.’

Drones Can Be Switched On and Off

The great thing about palletising with UAS is that the process can be redesigned at any time without having to move or adjust any of your machines. All that is needed is to change the coordinates in the software that controls the aircraft. Another advantage is that capacity can easily be increased or decreased by simply switching more drones on or off. It is even possible to use a single UAS to operate multiple end-of-line packaging lines.

The biggest limitation is currently the weight that a UAS can carry. Currently, UAS are being tested that can lift products of up to 2.3 kilograms. However, the technology is developing so rapidly that weights of up to 10 kilograms should be possible within the foreseeable future.
Short payback period

Qimarox doesn’t expect palletising systems using UAS to be the ideal solution for every manufacturer of consumer products. Quimarox will therefore also continue to focus on the Highrunner mk7, its innovative, ultra-fast, flexible palletiser that was recently introduced. According to Hooijer: ‘For standardised processes with high demands on the capacity and quality of the stack, this machine still remains the best solution. Thanks to its modular design, the cost of purchase, installation, use and maintenance of this machine are extremely low, meaning an investment in the Highrunner will pay for itself in no time at all.’

Sources: YouTube, Web Site

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