Romanian deputies adopted on Wednesday a law that allows unmanned aerial vehicles to operate in national airspace. The law passed with 311 votes “for” and no votes “against”. The project modifies ordinance 29/1997 regarding the Aerial Civil Code and it was initiated by PNL members George Scutaru, Ion Mocioalca, Mihai Weber and Corneliu Cozmanciuc in 2013. The law already passed through the Lower House of the Parliament.
In the reasoning for the new law, the initiators argue it is a way for national legislation to converge with European regulations on the matter.
Romanian company TeamNet has designed, built and tested in Romania several unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Between June 17 and 21 2013, TeamNet’s Hirrus UAS made the first flights with the aim of collecting data for an academic research project. The data will be used for evaluating the flood potential in a hydrologic basin.
Photo: Hirrus
Source: Business Review
Ion Mocioalca and Mihai Weber are from P.S.D. not P.N.L. They are social/democrats, not liberals. In 2013 both P.S.D. and P.N.L. colaborate in governing Romania in an aliance named U.S.L. Now this alliance is broken and only P.S.D. remaining in the Govern of Romania.