Crafty Game Of Thrones fans have been thwarted from getting any sneak behind-the-scenes peeks after a ban on drones above the set. Signs erected close to the filming studios in Titanic Quarter, East Belfast, warn of a “no-fly zone” .
And novice pilots are told they could face prosecution for invading the airspace above the studios without permission from the Civil Aviation Authority.
The move came after sightings of drones above various sets of hit shows being filmed here.
The security firm behind the signs said the flying of drones in the area poses a significant risk to people below.
But the clampdown has also hit cheeky fans of Game Of Thrones plotting to catch a glimpse of scenes starring their heroes.
A source told Belfast Live there were fears top secret plot details could leak out if drones were able to hover above the site.
They said: “I know there have been concerns about drones given the proximity to the airport.
“There’s also a lot of concern around the risk of Game Of Thrones and other shows being caught on the cameras of these things.
“This ensures everybody is safe and it retains the privacy of anybody filming here too.”

The signs were erected by Select Management and Security Limited which provides security for the HBO show.
Other recent work carried out by the firm includes security on the set of BBC series Line of Duty, which is part-filmed here.
Printed in large red letters, the public is warned “drones prohibited in this area”.
It adds: “All drone use over this site must be fully in compliance with the Air Navigation Order.
“It is impossible to fly over this site in compliance with the Air Navigation Order due to the specific safety requirements of the site.
“Flying a drone over this site will significantly impact on the safety of those within the site.
“Any pilot of a drone must obtain permission from the Civil Aviation Authority to fly over this site.
“Any access to this site, including by drone, will also be regarded as trespass.”
Would-be drone pilots are warned that police are also involved in keeping the skies above the docklands free from the machines.
The sign adds: “Anyone who operates a drone over this location will be reported for prosecution and will be subject to civil legal action.”
Source: Belfast Live