Cormorant Achieves IDF Mission Demo Milestone

On May 7th, Tactical Robotics (a subsidiary of Urban Aeronautics Ltd), based in Yavne. Israel, successfully performed a first “mission representative” demonstration for its lead customer, the Israel Defence Forces. 

This milestone was announced for the first time today at the Israel Combat Rescue and Emergency Medicine conference where the company also presented *Cormorant’s capability to be the first UAS system fielded for unmanned casualty evacuation missions.

The demo took place at Megiddo Airfield in the Galilee and consisted of taking off with a load of cargo, preforming a pre-planned flight to a specified point of delivery, offloading the cargo, and loading of a specialized, medical training manikin simulating a casualty which was then returned to the point of origin. A monitor supplied by the IDF’s chief surgeon Trauma Branch transmits vital information to the crews on the ground, in addition to a video camera for two-way communication with the patient. With the exception of the loading of the ‘casualty’ and off-loading of cargo, the entire simulated mission was performed autonomously.

The demonstration, a combination of cargo delivery and casualty evacuation, reflects Cormorant’s unique dual-role capability as the only UAS recognized by NATO to fulfill both cargo delivery and CasEvac missions. As such, the aircraft is designed to exceed the standard reliability and handling qualities required of a typical, tactical UAS in order to meet the requirements to safely ferry human “cargo” back from the battlefield.

Source: Press Release

*Previously known as Urban Aeronautics AirMule

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