This Jan. 2, 2020, photo shows red lights from wind turbines in the distance
in the area of Genoa and Hugo, Colorado where sightings of unidentified large drones in the air have been reported
People insist that they have seen fleets of large drones traversing the night sky of rural America, mysteriously their mission, and raising questions that have come together in conspiracy theories and start an investigation.
Colorado authorities have tried to calm those theories and have announced that since November they have not confirmed anything unusual or criminal about dozens of weird drone reports. They were mostly hobby drones, commercial planes, stars, planets and weather phenomena.
The Colorado Department of Public Safety, in collaboration with the local police, did not attempt to investigate sightings of drones in Nebraska or Wyoming.
In the northeast of Colorado, the agency found:
– Of the 90 drone reports received from November 23 to Monday, 14 were smaller drones for hobbyists.
– Of 23 drone reports between January 6 and Monday, a period in which flights from the heat detection aircraft cooperated with ground investigators, 13 were smaller hobby drones, stars or planets, and six were due to well-known commercial aircraft or atmospheric conditions. Authorities were unable to identify pilots from the drones for hobbyists.
– Four confirmed observations out of 23 were not identified.
– A drone that flew during the day near a medical helicopter Flight for Life did not appear to be related to recent observations. Investigators could not confirm that a violation has occurred.
Colorado has more than 24,000 registered drones and pilots reported more than 2,200 drone sightings in Colorado to the FAA in 2018, state officials said in a press release.
Photo: Sangosti/The Denver Post via AP
Source: Associated Press
[Ed. – Meanwhile we understand that profession detection teams have been deployed as per this exclusive statement from Liteye Systems: ]
“Liteye Systems, Inc. was contacted by the Colorado authorities requesting us to join the drone hunt in north eastern Colorado. Within a couple hours one of our teams responded with a counter unmanned system and operators, and is assisting the ongoing efforts. While our team is participating in an active investigation we do not discuss the techniques or technologies employed, but maybe able to in the near future.”
I have watched this unfold and actually had a conversation with someone about this two days ago.
May or may not underscore some of the challenges in the counter-UAS space. As reports came out about these pesky little critters it was interesting to see just how the story unfolded and the difficulty “authorities” had in:
• Detection
• Identification
• Tracking/monitoring
• Airspace https://www.faa.gov/uas/recreational_fliers/where_can_i_fly/airspace_101/ In the context of the grand scheme of the NAS why did it take so long to ascertain the who and what of it all. Was this just mis-identification? Was this a lackadaisical response because it was all eastern Colorado and Western Nebraska (aka rural areas) or something that underscored operations in uncontrolled airspace.
Completely Ridiculous!
Everything about it is ridiculous in every way.
I have a night waiver and fly at night, OMG the aliens are coming to get me..
Who cares, is there nothing else going on out in the boondocks that a couple or even a few drones flying around at night is causing a sensation.
With real crises happening in your back yard and all over the world, a few drones flying at night is what is keeping you up at night!
Get over it!
The video on the news seem to consist exclusively of low-flying aircraft.