Ultra’s Hawk IFF Deploys Successfully in UAS Exercises at Fort Sill, Oklahoma

Ultra Electronics

 and Berry Aviation Inc. demonstrated the capabilities of its Hawk Identification Friend or Foe (IFF), a micro-device that enables automatic determination of the identity of airborne vehicles, in support of Counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems (C-UAS) mission experimentation during MFIX 22.

For three weeks, the MFIX exercise bridges the gap in Army capabilities by joining programs of record with emerging technology and experiment with new solutions.

Daniel Pikora, President of Ultra Specialist RF, commented:

“The counter-UAS mission requires rapidly detection and identification of threats in the battlespace.  During these experiments at MFIX, Hawk micro-IFF demonstrated an identification capability for Group 1 UAS’s.     Ultra’s micro-IFF solution provided a ‘first-look’ blue-force identification capability to the support counter-UAS systems deployed during the experiment.”

Small commercial UASs are being used increasingly as tactically significant weapons and/or surveillance platforms. The Hawk IFF allows blue force identification in a fraction of the time than traditional methods. C-UAS experiments at MFIX are set to turn the tide of UAS identification by quick identification of red force UAS thus increasing standoff range and reaction time.

Ultra Electronics provides miniaturized IFF transponders to counter the proliferation of small UASs in the battlespace. The Hawk IFF weighs only 7.6 ounces and is roughly 20X smaller than classic IFF devices, an ideal solution for U.S. allies and partners as they rely on small UASs for attack, defense and surveillance.

Source: Press Release


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