Estonia Hands Confiscated Crowdfunded Russian Drones to Ukrainian Army

Drones, confiscated by Estonia’s security services from a man who crowdfunded to help the Russian Army, have been handed over to the Ukrainian Army, officials said this week.

The Internal Security Service (KAPO) wrote on social media:

Remember the drones we confiscated from a person trying to donate them for the Russian aggression in Ukraine? Well, these drones still made it to Ukraine. But the right way around and on the right side of the battlefront.”

In July, Harju County Court in Tallinn sentenced 43-year-old resident of the Pskov region, trucker and singer Vladimir Shilov to 4 months in prison for buying drones for the Russian army fighting in Ukraine and trying to smuggle them across the border.

Shilov was arrested on May 28 while trying to smuggle quadcopters bought in Estonia across the border to the 76th division in Pskov. He collected money for them on VKontakte, and published a photo of the equipment there a few hours before crossing the border.

The court believed Vladimir knowingly supported acts of aggression committed by a foreign country.

As a punishment, Shilov was sentenced to one year in prison: four months must be served in prison immediately, the rest can be written off if he does not commit a new intentional crime within four years.

Source: ERR


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