Top UAV Experts Meet at UNVEX’24

UNVEX’24 will gather the leading experts in drones on 4 and 5 June in Barcelona. Representatives of the institutions related to the sector, from regulation to users, including integration, at all territorial levels, will debate the most important issues in the sector.

The UNVEX’24 conference programme is structured in four theatres covering the main applications.

The Mobility Theatre will be the epicentre of the protagonists of the sustainable mobility cycle and will be attended by those in charge of regulation, María Algar from EASA or Roberto Gándara from the Spanish AESA; companies with very demanding certifications such as Crisalion; those in charge of the integration of these systems in airspace, Daniel García Monteavaro from Enaire or Munish Khurana from Eurocontrol; and those in charge of setting up the infrastructures for the correct functioning of all of the above.

In the Commercial Theatre, the focus will be on those commercial applications that have demonstrated the greatest efficiency: transport, from delivery to medical-health, energy, agriculture, fishing and Emergences. Experts from AENA, ADIF, Ferrovial, the Catalan Fire Brigade and the Port of Barcelona will be present to discuss all these topics.

Foto Jaime Martínez

Security and Defence have always been important topics at UNVEX and at UNVEX’24 they will once again play a prominent role, more oriented towards the new geostrategic scenario and especially towards national security, with a special focus on c-uas. Speakers such as Christophe Vivier from the European Defence Agency, Baptiste Longuet from Occar, and representatives from various directorates-general of the European Commission and NATO will be on hand to discuss the lessons learned from recent conflicts and civil-military cooperation in the field of technology.

Regarding national security, Pere Ferrer, director of Mossos d’Esquadra, Maite Boyero, from Cluster 3 of CDTI and different State Security Forces and Corps, will talk about technologies and cooperation.

Canary Islands Join UNVEX
The government of the Canary Islands will attend UNVEX for the first time, through the Fuerteventura Technology Park, a programme of the island’s council for the promotion of the technology industry in the archipelago, with the support of the companies Telespazio and Pegasus.

The Canary Islands delegation at UNVEX’24 will be led by the Canary Islands Government’s Minister for Territorial Policy, Water and Emergencies, together with the CEO of the Technology Park, who is coordinating the Geo Innovation Program 2030, a project that aims to diversify the regional economy through, for example, the Stratoport for unmanned aerial systems and HAPS.

Source: Press Release


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