FAA Approves BVLOS Drone as First Responder Program in New York State


, a provider of command, navigation, and surveillance technologies for drones, has announced that the Oswego City Police Department’s Drone as a First Responder (DFR) program has received Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approval for operations Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) without Visual Observers (VOs) using the uAvionix Casia G ground-based detect-and-avoid (DAA) system.

This milestone approval allows the police department to operate small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) as a first response to emergency calls, bringing enhanced response times, situational awareness, and safety to the public and officers.

A key factor in the success of Oswego’s DFR program is the implementation of uAvionix’s Casia G product. Casia G, an advanced DAA solution, provides critical airspace awareness, enabling safe BVLOS operations. The integration of Casia G ensures that Oswego’s drones can operate safely and effectively without the need for human Visual Observers, enhancing the overall efficiency of their response to emergencies.

Source: Press Release


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