Wing Displays Latest Aircraft at EAA AirVenture 2024

Wing recently wrapped up at EAA AirVenture, the world’s largest aviation event held in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. During the show, Wing demonstrated its drone delivery service in one of the most challenging environments – the bustling airspace above AirVenture.

The demonstration experience leverages our universal modular, lightweight setup, allowing us to easily create a nest in a range of settings and share our operations with more people. This is the same setup and our real aircraft that have completed over 400,000 commercial deliveries on three continents.

Wing also brought the newest member of its Aircraft Library to its booth. This larger aircraft will complement its fleet to streamline the deliveries of larger orders, and Airventure was the perfect venue for visitors to get a close-up look. Just like different aircraft showcased different capabilities at the show, this aircraft is our 5lb carrier for larger orders.

“Order trends tell us that 70% of all US orders are delivered by one Wing aircraft, while 30% are delivered by two. To better serve that 30% and further optimize our business, we will be introducing an additional aircraft to complement our existing fleet. Think of it like how airlines operate different aircrafts for different routes: This new aircraft will streamline our deliveries of larger orders”

The new aircraft retains the same round-trip range of 12 miles and can cruise at approximately 65 miles per hour, all while carrying a standard cardboard delivery box with a payload of up to five pounds. This new model integrates seamlessly with Wing’s existing infrastructure and automation systems, ensuring a smooth operation within its service areas.

Source: Wing


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