Leaked Documents Expose Top-Secret Israeli Drone

Leaked intelligence documents have revealed that Israel possesses a highly classified long-range unmanned surveillance drone capable of covert operations across the Middle East.

The documents, which surfaced on Telegram on October 15 and 16, detail Israeli preparations for potential military strikes against Iran and point to the existence of a secretive drone program previously undisclosed to the public.

According to the leaked files, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) conducted covert drone operations between October 15 and 16, utilizing these advanced Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for long-range, stealth surveillance. The U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) confirmed the intelligence, observing ground personnel and equipment preparing UAVs at Ramon Airbase in southern Israel.

“The Israeli Air Force continued covert UAV operations from 15 through 16 October,” the documents note, adding that imagery analysis shows that Israel’s drones are capable of conducting sustained intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions over Iran and broader regional targets.

This information sheds new light on Israel’s intelligence capabilities, providing insight into a highly secretive aspect of its military apparatus. The long-range drones allow Israel to maintain a discreet presence over sensitive areas, particularly in Iran, where tensions have remained high due to Tehran’s nuclear program and support for militant groups in the region.

A source familiar with the leaked documents confirmed their authenticity, while U.S. officials are currently investigating the leak of the sensitive information. The revelations come at a time of heightened tensions between Israel and Iran, with both nations engaged in a complex, covert confrontation across multiple domains, including cyber warfare and clandestine military operations.

The leaked documents have also sparked concerns about Israel’s potential plans for military action. Israeli officials have long warned that they will take necessary steps to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, a point reiterated in recent months as negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program faltered.

In addition to the surveillance flights over Iran, the documents also highlight Israel’s broader intelligence-gathering capabilities across the Middle East. The undisclosed drone program offers Israel a significant advantage in monitoring its adversaries, with the drones providing real-time intelligence on military developments across the region.

Top Photo: Ramon Airbase in southern Israel

Source: Defence Blog


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