Russian Plywood UAVs with Ukrainian SIM Cards Stalk Patriots

Reports from Ukrainian media on the ground indicate that Russia is increasingly deploying drones to pinpoint the locations of Ukrainian anti-aircraft systems. Experts point out that these drones are inexpensive, presenting a financial dilemma for Ukraine as countering them with missiles is costly and impractical.

Russia has recently introduced two new types of drones, used in five attacks over the past two to three weeks, including a nocturnal assault last week. According to an official speaking to Reuters, these drones are constructed from materials like styrofoam and plywood.

One variant of these drones is equipped with a camera and a Ukrainian cell phone SIM card, enabling it to transmit images back to Russian forces. The use of a Ukrainian SIM card is strategic, offering extensive coverage across Ukraine without raising alarms.Andriy Chernyak, spokesperson for a military intelligence agency, explains that these drones are identifying the positions of Ukrainian mobile groups and machine guns capable of shooting them down.

The goal is to map out where all Ukrainian air defenses are situated. Russia appears to be refining its tactics and experimenting with new technologies to secure an upper hand in its relentless missile and drone attacks on Ukrainian cities and infrastructure.

Photo: Defense Express

Source: Bulgarian Military





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