Northrop Grumman Unveils Cannon-Based Air Defense (CBAD)

In a recent social media post, Northrop Grumman revealed that the CBAD system will employ its Bushmaster Chain Guns paired with ammunition to combat a growing array of threats, including swarms of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and cruise missiles.

Northrop Grumman is developing Cannon-Based Air Defense (CBAD), which employs Bushmaster Chain Guns with advanced ammunition, to affordably defeat a growing threat: large aerial raids of cruise missiles and unmanned aerial systems.

Adversaries are focused on growing the quantity, variety, and capability of aerial weapons. Future conflicts will see substantially larger raid sizes attack previously uncontested bases and critical infrastructure. Cannon-Based Air Defense (CBAD) systems offer scalable, cost effective, and resilient terminal defense against mass air threats.

CBAD integrates sensors, battle management command and control, and effectors leveraging battle-proven cannons and a suite of advanced ammunition, ready to defend against subsonic cruise missiles and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) from conflict start to finish.

Traditional, long-range interceptor missiles are no longer cost-effective as adversaries deploy low-cost, expendable technologies in large quantities.

CBAD provides an affordable, layered terminal defense with scalable manufacturing base and simplified logistics footprint.

With CBAD, this advanced weapons system will help warfighters win tonight, and every tomorrow through intelligent weapons ready to deliver in their favor.

Source: Northrop Grumman


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