Aboard the deck of carrier cruiser Minsk, the atmosphere was anything but quiet. It was December 1982, and two Yak-38 Forger jets, the Soviet Union’s first—and only—vertical takeoff and landing aircraft, were finally prepping for a mission six years into their operational service. Ahead of them loomed the ship’s distinctive ski-jump ramp, designed to give the jets a boost, conserving precious fuel and allowing them to carry heavier payloads.
The road to this moment had been long. Hundreds of tests, countless modifications, and the dedication of engineers and pilots had brought these unconventional aircraft to operational service. With their three-engine configuration and folding wings, the journey had not been without challenges. Now, they were finally ready to prove themselves.
The VTOL fighters were being armed and fueled for a task few had imagined—intercepting American planes from the carrier USS Enterprise patrolling nearby in the contested Cold War waters.
The Yakovlev Yak-38 (Russian: Яковлев Як-38; NATO reporting name: “Forger”) was Soviet Naval Aviation’s only operational VTOL strike fighter aircraft in addition to being its first operational carrier-based fixed-wing aircraft. It was developed specifically for, and served almost exclusively on, the Kiev-class aircraft carriers (heavy aviation cruiser in Russian classification).
Designed by the A.S. Yakovlev Design Bureau, the first drawings showed a supersonic aircraft strongly resembling the Hawker P.1154 in study in the United Kingdom, but with two R27-300 engines. Supersonic performance would have implied many difficulties of development, and it was decided to initially develop a relatively simple aircraft limited to Mach 0.95. Although the Yak-38 and Yak-38M were developed from the land-based Yakovlev Yak-36, the aircraft had almost nothing in common.
The prototype VM-01 was finished on 14 April 1970. Though outwardly similar to the British Hawker Siddeley Harrier, it followed a completely different configuration. Together with a vectorable thrust engine in the rear used during flight, two smaller, and less powerful, engines were housed in the front portion of the fuselage and used purely for takeoff and landing.
The Yak-38 had an automatic ejection seat. If one of the takeoff engines failed or the aircraft rolled past 60 degrees the pilot was automatically ejected from the aircraft.
Operational History
The majority of Yak-36M initial production deliveries were to the 279 OKShAP (Otdelny Korabelny Shturmovoy Aviatsionny Polk, Independent Shipboard Attack Air Regiment), initially based at Saki, the AV-MF’s training centre in Crimea.
In July 1979, Minsk arrived in the Sea of Japan, where the vessel was home-ported at Strelok Bay, the Yak-38 component of its air wing thereafter being provided by the 311 OKShAP subordinate to the Pacific Fleet.
In September 1982, Novorossiysk – the third Kiev-class carrier – was commissioned. By now the V/STOL technique had been well practised, and the resulting increase in the Yak-38’s overall performance and capability was exploited during the passage of Novorossiysk from Severomorsk to join the Pacific Fleet. A pair of armed Yak-38s operating from Minsk intercepted aircraft from the U.S. carrier Enterprise over the Arabian Sea on 16 December 1982. This event marked the first time Soviet VTOL aircraft intercepted American aircraft while armed with missiles.
In a maritime context, the Yak-38 was not limited to the decks of Kiev. In September 1983, AV-MF pilots operated from the civilian Ro-Ro vessel Agostinho Neto, and NII-VVS (Air Force Scientific Test Institute) pilots conducted further tests from another Ro-Ro vessel, Nikolai Cherkasov. In both cases, use was made of a heat-resistant landing platform; further land-based trials tested the practicality of dispersed landing platforms, in a similar concept to the British Royal Air Force’s Harrier operations in West Germany.
Top Photo: Yak-38 fighter of the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Novorossiysk, part of the Red Banner Pacific Fleet – RIA Novosti archive, image #477421 / Vladimir Rodionov / CC-BY-SA 3.0
Sources: YouTube; Wikipedia