Ex-FIFA Soccer Referee Confirms Microdrones Record-Breaking Endurance Flight

Microdrones staged this stunt in a film studio using Urs Meier, a former FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) soccer referee as an impartial judge, to demonstrate the long endurance of its md4-1000.

The microdrone md4-1000, which is the “flagship” of the product line of microdrones, achieved the detected 70th minute as expected, as indicated on the stop watch projected onto a large wall in the background. Referee Urs Meier eventually blew the Final Whistle only in the 88th minute.

Sven Juerss, the company’s CEO was more than delighted and said immediately after the record flight: “To our knowledge this is the world record for a NonStop hover flight of a serial-production and electric driven MUAV of the 5 kg class. Especially when you consider that our system was fully equipped for this record flight. Although GPS was not available in the film studio, we still had our whole GPS system on board fully functional. Telemetry and video link were of course also be fully operational. In addition, a high-resolution daylight camera was mounted as a payload. If you now consider the fact that md4-1000 is not only designed exclusively for long flight times, but also for highest weather resistance and maximum payload capacities, this result is even more impressive.”

Source: Microdrones

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