Simplex Mapping Solutions Launches CaMundo Camera System


Israeli start-up Simplex Mapping Solutions has developed the CaMundo camera system -a new miniature collection system that implements a unique technology concept. Weighing only 6kg, the system is able to collect up to 146mp across track and 24,400 unique pixels across track. The system can to be installed on medium size UAS as well as on any light aircraft, even with no shooting hole and helicopters .

The system was designed collect Nadir and Oblique views on one pass, and was built to specifically execute 3D oblique projects and high resolution Orthophoto projects

Main features:

  • Nadir and Oblique views in one pass.
  • Up to 3cm GSD Nadir Ortho and up to 5cm GSD Oblique views.
  • Sweep swath: up to 146mp.
  • 24,400 unique pixels across track.  (2.4km swath @ 10cm GSD)
  • Overlap: 55% forward overlap, 75% side overlap
  • 100 square kilometers @10cm GSD covered in 1 hour.
  • Up to 1:500 maps scale and 0.5M DSM.
  • Up to 50% reduction in flight hours comparing to other medium frame camera systems.

Source: Press Release


  1. I am photogrammetry operator and I work with camera PhaseONE “iXA-R/80 MP” upstairs “Cessna 150” — I wish contacts’ with your company for collaborations job.
    My very best…Keep in touch
    Via MonteGrappa 124
    22040 Alzate Brianza-COMO-Italy
    WGS84: 45°46’191528 N—-9°09’545739 E
    Mob: 0039-3296420641

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