Czech Operator Deploys German UAS in Russia


In December 2013, Czech biggest UAS company UPVISION in cooperation with Techniserv and UVS Avia conducted aerial surveying works using the UA system Microdrone MD4 1000 in Russia. 

The mission objective consisted of mapping in several locations for surveying company from Nizhniy Novgorod executed within a week timeframe. “The aerial works and ground surveying were performed in extreme weather conditions with prevailing wind of about 10m/s, snow and low clouds so it seemed to be a real challenge to complete work in all locations when we arrived“, said UAS Manager, Jakub Karas.

The most interesting location on to-do list for surveying was a lake in Nizhny Novgorod. The entire lake was mapped during three flights including lake banks and its surroundings. 3D model and point cloud was created on a basis of surveyed data enabling digital mapping of lake bank and projection of its erosion over time “We were excited that despite such hard conditions, the team composed of all three companies accomplished the objectives in professional manner and had a lot of fun during surveying works.

“We learned how to tame ice, snow and wind in order to deliver desired results“, added the Executive, Ales Konrad Raw data processing was partially carried out directly in the field, so it was possible to demonstrate thumbview of 3D model and point cloud with density exceeding 50 millions points to representatives of city of Nizhniy Novgorod on the field, too. The city representatives appreciated availability and accuracy with which the results were delivered to them and plan to think of UAS technology in bigger scale.

Source: GIS User

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