Russian Naval Ships to Get Kamikaze Drones

The Russian Navy will receive kamikaze drones. Currently, the issue of arming ships with these unmanned vehicles is being worked out. Kamikaze drones, or, as they are officially called, loitering ammunition, will be used to strike ground targets and enemy ships.

They are indispensable with the support of the actions of the marines, as well as scouts and special forces soldiers on secret missions. Experts note that the UAVs will increase the combat power of Russian ships and marines.

Tested in Syria

Sources in the Ministry of Defense told Izvestia that the military department is currently working on the issue of arming the fleet with patrolling ammunition. It is possible to place kamikaze drones on ships in a short time. New weapons systems do not require special hangars, and catapults for launching UAVs can work directly from the deck after minimal alterations. For use from ships, both existing UAVs and drones specially designed for the Navy can be used . The final decision on this issue has not yet been taken.

The drones are planned to be used to strike at sea and ground targets. In particular, such products are effective against light boats and motor boats – they are actively used by saboteurs and various terrorist organizations. Also, loitering ammunition is indispensable with the support of the marines and special forces operating on the shore.

As previously reported by the Ministry of Defense, in October, an exercise was held in Kamchatka, where they practiced fire support for the Marine Corps when landing on the coast. During the maneuvers, unmanned kamikaze drones were used for the first time. With their help, the manpower and equipment of the conditional enemy was destroyed. Some models of Russian loitering ammunition have already received the baptism of fire. In particular, the drones “Cube” and “Lancet” were used in Syria. There are footage of the Lancet hitting a moving car with militants on the Internet. In addition, you can find a video in which with the help of this ammunition they destroy a ground, well-protected firing point.

Bekkhan Ozdoev, industrial director of the weapons complex of the state corporation Rostec, told Izvestia that kamikaze drones in Syria have shown themselves to be effective tools on the battlefield with their advantages. For example, they cost significantly less than missiles and are practically invisible to enemy radars.

Source: Izvestia

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