Author Archives: The Editor

California Police Department Gets FAA Waiver for Drone as First Responder Program Using Radar

Expanding its pioneering Drone as First Responder (DFR) program, Campbell Police Department (CPD) is the first in California, using optical and radar sensors, to incorporate radar in a Part 91.113(b) waiver request to conduct single-person operations, which requires only one operator for flight operations. Adding radar also allows Campbell PD to operate without human visual observers at night. Continue reading

X-Bow Launches Largest Advanced Manufactured Solid Propellant (AMSP) Motor Ever Flown

X-Bow Systems Inc., a non-traditional supplier of advanced manufactured solid rocket motors (SRMs) and defense technologies, has announced the successful third flight of its Bolt Rocket. The XB-32 motor, part of X-Bow’s Bolt rocket family, is the largest Advanced Manufactured Solid Propellant (AMSP) motor ever flown, utilizing the company’s patented advanced manufacturing technology. Continue reading

Teledyne FLIR Defense Gets $91M US Army Black Hornet 4 Nano-Drones Contract

Teledyne FLIR Defense, part of Teledyne Technologies Incorporated, has won a five-year contract worth up to $91 million to provide its Black Hornet 4 Personal Reconnaissance Systems to the United States Army. The advanced nano-unmanned aerial systems (UAS) are being acquired under the Soldier Borne Sensor (SBS) program, Phase II. Continue reading