Author Archives: The Editor

Airbus and Quantum Systems Progress Autonomous Swarm Technology

At the beginning of August, a demonstration took place at the Airbus Drone Center near Manching, which marked the culmination and conclusion of an intensive research phase as part of the Bundeswehr study KITU 2 (Künstliche Intelligenz für taktische UAS; Artificial Intelligence for tactical UAS). The aim of the study was to develop innovative solutions for the AI-supported control of swarms of drones. Continue reading

Brazilian Army Tests XMobots Nauru 1000C VTOL Drone for Surveillance Missions.

The Brazilian Army has integrated the Nauru 1000C drone into its operations, in collaboration with the Brazilian manufacturer XMobots. This unmanned aerial system (UAS) is designed for defense and surveillance missions. Operational tests were conducted by the 7th Mechanized Cavalry Regiment from August 27 to 29, 2024, in Sant’Ana do Livramento to assess its capabilities. Continue reading

Kratos Completes Significant Milestone on Cost Optimized Limited-Life Turbofan Engine

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. announced that Kratos Turbine Technologies has successfully completed a ground test campaign of a Cost-Optimized, Limited-Life Turbofan Engine. The engine testing was managed by the Air Force Research Laboratory, Aerospace Systems Directorate, Turbine Engine Division (AFRL/RQT) under the Attritable Cost Optimized Limited Life Engine Technologies (ACOLLET) program. Continue reading

CNAS Releases Open Source Dataset on Drone Proliferation

The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) Drone Proliferation Dataset tracks global transfers of military-grade aerial drones, regardless of size and capability, between 1995 and September 1, 2023. It was created as part of a larger research project by the CNAS Defense Program that examined trends in drone proliferation and drone use in recent conflicts, as well as their likely effect on a potential future conflict over Taiwan. Continue reading