Category Archives: Accident Reporting

Another UAS Down in Afghanistan – Says Tehran

The web-site of Press TV, Iran’s television network, ran this story last week: Ruhollah Samon, a Paktia provincial government spokesman in eastern Afghanistan, confirmed that the US surveillance UAS had crashed in the Zurmat district. According to the report, wreckage of the drone has not been found and the Afghan police have sent investigation teams to the area to search for it.

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Predator Crashes in Yemen – Al-Qaeda Steals Wreckage

An MQ-1 Predator crashed in south Yemen on Tuesday. It came down in Jahayn village near Loder, in Yemen’s Abyan province where Al-Qaeda has a strong presence. It was found by local residents who called in police, who then collected the wreckage. But as they headed to a police station about 30 kilometers (18 miles) away, Al-Qaeda gunmen in cars intercepted the police and hijacked the wreckage.

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