Imint has announced the availability of version 2.5 of its Ihvert product suite, a complete Remote Video Terminal (RVT) software for advanced live ISR video enhancement, analysis, and exploitation.
Category Archives: Control Stations & Remote Video Terminals
MIT Develops iPhone UAS Controller
Missy Cummings, the director of MIT’s Humans and Automation Lab, has developed software to fly remote-controlled miniature aircraft with an iPhone. The project has funding from Boeing.
View Inside a Predator Ground Control Station
TechNewsDaily was recently invited to take a rare behind-the-scenes tour of a UAS ground control station in Italy that is jointly shared by the Italian and U.S. air forces to demystify some of the operations of these robot warrior aircraft.
US Navy Awards AME Contract for Joint Interoperable Target Control System
AME Unmanned Air Systems announced the receipt of a follow-on contract for the Joint Interoperable Target Control System (JITCS). This contract enables the continued development of standard Target Control System interfaces for the Common Interface Target Control System (CITCS). The contract was received on June 20, 2011, and has a three-year period of performance.
AAR Gets $14M US Army Contract for Control Station Shelters
AAR Corp. a provider of aircraft parts and maintenance, announced that it has won a strategic five-year contract for providing lightweight, multi-purpose shelters (LMS). The value of the contract will be up to $14 million.
COTS and Open Standards Drive UAS Control Station Architectures
Designers of control stations for unmanned vehicles primarily use commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) embedded products, but there has never been a common architecture developed for all UAS ground control stations.
US Air Force Announces MQ-1/9 Ground Station Basing Criteria
Air Force officials have released the criteria for basing of the regular Air Force MQ-1/9 remote split operations ground control stations.
Shadow Flies with GE Flight Management System Designed for Manned Aircraft
AAI Unmanned Aircraft Systems, an operating unit of Textron Systems, a Textron Inc. company, and GE Aviation announced that the Shadow Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System has completed a flight demonstration using the GE Flight Management System (FMS), a four-dimensional trajectory FMS certified for use in manned commercial aircraft.