Category Archives: Data Links & Communications

NovAtel’s Next-Generation OEM7 GNSS Technology

NovaTel oem7-receiver-family

NovAtel Inc., a supplier of high precision OEM Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) positioning technology, has unveiled its new OEM7 positioning engine. Leveraging previous generations of precise positioning know-how, the OEM7 incorporates new innovative capabilities and features that significantly enhance GNSS-based positioning reliability, accuracy and availability. Continue reading

GA-ASI Demonstrates Advanced Communications Capability

predator-b-block-5-pod_1847General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA‑ASI) has announced that its Network Centric Communications Pod (NCCP) successfully demonstrated the ability to provide a robust communications data link between Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) and U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) ground and air forces during an exercise held at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC), Twentynine Palms, California, in July. Continue reading

Cubic Watchkeeper Data Links Support Contract Extended

WatchkeeperCubic Mission Solutions (CMS), a newly formed business division of Cubic Corporation has announced a three-year extension award of $1.4 million from UAV Tactical Systems Ltd. (U-TacS) to provide additional Tactical Common Data Links (TCDL) for U.K. Ministry of Defence’s (MOD) Watchkeeper Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) program.

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Apache ‘Version 6’ Update with Next-Gen Manned-Unmanned Teaming

ApachelongowThe U.S. Army is developing a Version 6 update of the Boeing AH-64E Apache that by 2018 will enhance its fire-control radar, expand its ability to communicate with unmanned aircraft and soldiers on the ground, and increase onboard processing speeds. The work was underway as the service sought approval for its first multi-year procurement of the fearsome attack helicopter.

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