Category Archives: Events

The Drone World Expo 2017 Interviews – Adi Singh

In the fifth of a series of interviews with key figures involved in the success of Drone World Expo, we talked to Adi Singh, Principal Scientist, UAV Systems, Research & Advanced Engineering, Ford Motor Company. Adi leads strategic innovations in drone technology and established Ford’s research program on drones, developing a roadmap for product development initiatives.

He established the company research center in Palo Alto as an FAA designated UAV Operating Area (UAO) and is a Member of the FAA Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Identification and Tracking Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC). He is also FAA licensed sUAS Pilot-in-Command. Continue reading

Drone World Expo Announces New Keynote Presenters

Drone World Expo has announced the addition of Jesse Kallman, President, Airbus Aerial; John Langford, CEO, Aurora Flight Sciences; Martin Gomez, Director of Aeronautical Platforms, Facebook; Eric Mueller, Aerospace Engineer, NASA; Parimal “PK” Kopardekar, Senior Technologist for Air Transportation, NASA; and Tom Prevot, Director of Engineering, Airspace Systems, Uber Elevate to the event’s keynote panel roster.   

The Drone World Expo 2017 Interviews – Biren Gandhi

In the fourth of a series of interviews with key figures involved in the success of Drone World Expo, we talked to Biren Gandhi, Distinguished Strategist, Corporate Strategy Office, Cisco. Biren is focused on identifying key technology trends and accelerating their adoption through acquisitions, development or partnering. He has built a successful track record of bringing innovation to life through strategic collaborations with startups, venture capital firms, universities and partner ecosystems.

Currently, Biren spearheads strategy for highly disruptive technologies, such as the Internet of Things, fog computing, drones/UAVs, block chain, deep learning, robotics and artificial intelligence. Continue reading

The Drone World Expo 2017 Interviews – Hector Ubiñas

In the third of a series of interviews with key figures involved in the success of Drone World Expo, we talked to Hector Ubiñas, Aviation Services Manager, San Diego Gas and Electric. Hector joined SDG&E in September 2016 and has been overseeing the Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) program since starting with the company. In this role, Hector is responsible for the daily operations of the UAS program and continuing to develop new work methods for its application in the utility industry. Continue reading