Ukrainian forces have reported that the Russian military is now using drones coated with a hazardous substance that can cause chemical burns. This tactic was confirmed by Yurii Fedorenko, the commander of the “Achilles” battalion of the 92nd Separate Assault Brigade. Continue reading
Category Archives: Military UAS
Anduril Gets $9M US Army to Develop Launched Effects Technology
– Anduril Industries Inc., Washington, D.C., was awarded a $9,000,000 hybrid (cost-plus-fixed-fee and firm-fixed-price) contract to develop and demonstrate launched effects technology using the Agile-Launched, Tactically Integrated Unmanned System. Continue reading
Brazilian Army Tests XMobots Nauru 1000C VTOL Drone for Surveillance Missions.
The Brazilian Army has integrated the Nauru 1000C drone into its operations, in collaboration with the Brazilian manufacturer XMobots. This unmanned aerial system (UAS) is designed for defense and surveillance missions. Operational tests were conducted by the 7th Mechanized Cavalry Regiment from August 27 to 29, 2024, in Sant’Ana do Livramento to assess its capabilities. Continue reading
Singapore Army Inducts Surveillance UAV
The Singapore Army has inducted a tactical surveillance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to enhance situational awareness on the battlefield. Continue reading
Egyptian Company Unveils MALE Drone and Smart Munitions
Egyptian company Robotics Engineering Systems (RES) showcased its locally manufactured drones and smart munitions at the recent Egypt International Airshow (EIAS 2024), which was held at El Alamein International Airport over three days. Continue reading
Russia Produces Kamikaze Drone with Chinese Engine
Russia started producing a new long-range attack drone called the Garpiya-A1 last year using Chinese engines and parts, which it has deployed in the war in Ukraine, according to two sources from a European intelligence agency and documents seen by Reuters. Continue reading
US Army Selects Anduril and PDW for Company Level sUAS Requirement for Brigade Combat Teams
The U.S. Army has announced the selection of the Anduril Industries Ghost X and the Performance Drone Works C-100 UAS to meet the Army’s Company-Level Small Uncrewed Aircraft System Directed Requirement. This award is for Tranche 1 of the DR with a value of $14.417M using the Defense Logistics Agency’s Tailored Logistics Support 10-Year Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity Contract. Continue reading
Ukraine Intercepts Rare Russian Spy Drones
Ukrainian forces have successfully intercepted multiple rare Russian Merlin-VR spy drones using affordable, anti-aircraft FPV drones. Continue reading