Category Archives: News

Thales Obtains First Design Verification Report for a Complete Drone System Ever Granted By EASA

Thales received the first full DVR ever granted by EASA to operate light UAS in medium risk, SAIL III. This DVR process set in place in April 2021 by the Agency aims at ensuring safe drone operations. Design Verification Report (DVR) is a new process set up by EASA1 to grant UAS design approvals for medium risk drone operations, today under the Specific Assurance Integrity Level (SAIL) III and IV. Continue reading

DDC & Volatus to Collaborate on Commercializing Drone Nesting Stations

Drone Delivery Canada Corp. and Volatus Aerospace Corp. have announced the beginning of a collaboration to commercialize the Volatus Aerieport Drone Nesting Station in concert with DDC’s Remote Operations Center. This follows the announcement of their planned merger, initially disclosed on May 21st, and serves to illustrate the united strengths of both companies. Continue reading