Category Archives: News

UK’s Bold Plan to Generate Electricity from Drones gets Research Grant

Using drones to harvest wind energy could play a significant role in the UK’s net-zero mission. University of Bristol’s Lecturer in Flight Dynamics and Control Dr Duc H. Nguyen has landed a £375,000 grant from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to conduct further research into the emerging field of Airborne Wind Energy Systems (AWES). Continue reading

Czech Republic to Equip Army with FPV Drones

The Czech Republic is planning to equip ground units with small FPV drones for reconnaissance and strikes. The new Concept for the Construction of the Army of the Czech Republic (KVAČR) was approved in February of this year, however, there is little and vague talk about the massive deployment of drones and protection against this technology. That has now changed. Continue reading