Category Archives: Non-Military & Commercial UAS

FAA Approves First Fully Automated Commercial Drone Flights

American Robotics, a developer of fully-automated commercial drone systems, has become the first company approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to operate automated drones without human operators on-site. The company’s Scout System features advanced acoustic Detect-and-Avoid (DAA) technology that enables its drones to maintain a safe distance from other aircraft at all times. Continue reading

Singapore to Set Up Designated Drone-Flying Areas

On Friday Jan 15 the Singapore Transport Ministry accepted a panel’s recommendation to provide common flying spaces to increase interest in the activity. Minister for Transport Ong Ye Kung said more details on how such spaces will be set up and where they will be located would be settled on in the coming months. Continue reading

Cadillac Reveals VTOL Drone Concept at CES

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