Category Archives: Transport

Noise Complaints Ground Amazon’s Delivery Drones in Texas

As the Spring planting season arrives in College Station, Texas, certified master gardener Mark Smith is thrilled that peace is in the air. This time last year, a loud buzzing noise began disrupting Smith’s morning routine of checking on the peppers, tomatoes, herbs, and shrubs growing in his backyard. Several times an hour, an Amazon Prime Air delivery drone would noisily emerge about 800 feet away, just past a line of trees behind Smith’s home. Continue reading

China’s New Transport Drone to Make Deliveries to Remote Regions

China’s new-generation CH-YH1000 unmanned transport aircraft on January 20th. completed a full-load taxiing test under full working conditions in Zhanghe Airport in Jingmen, Central China’s Hubei Province. This cargo drone has been described as a ‘pickup truck in the air,‘ and will hopefully provide a new logistics solution to ‘remote regions that lack free shipping.’ Continue reading

Wingcopter, ITOCHU and ANA Test Drone-Based Transport of Research Blood in Japan

ITOCHU Corporation, Wingcopter‘s partner in Japan, haa tested the transport of research blood1 using Wingcopter’s delivery drone in a research project. Together with ANA Holdings and the local blood center of the Japanese Red Cross, research blood was flown between the cities of Urasoe and Nago in Okinawa Prefecture. Continue reading