Category Archives: Aircraft Propulsion & Energy

Wingcopter and ZAL to Develop Hydrogen Power for Delivery Drones

Wingcopter, the German developer and operator of delivery drones, and Hamburg-based ZAL Center of Applied Aeronautical Research GmbH have announced a development partnership. Together, they intend to explore the potential of green hydrogen to power Wingcopter’s drones, which are already purely electric, and develop a sustainable, hydrogen-based propulsion system. Continue reading

Propeller Advance Paves Way for Quiet, Efficient Electric Aviation

Electrification is seen as having an important role to play in the fossil-free aviation of tomorrow. But electric aviation is battling a dilemma: the more energy-efficient an electric aircraft is, the noisier it gets. Now, researchers at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, have developed a propeller design optimisation method that paves the way for quiet, efficient electric aviation. Continue reading

Maiden Flight for South African Startup’s Hydrogen-Electric STOL Drone

A Cape Town-based technology start-up, FlyH2 Aerospace, has announced the successful maiden flights of its hydrogen-electric Dragonfly V drone, which is designed for commercial use. The fixed-wing STOL drone, which is capable of carrying heavy payloads, has a range of potential applications including agriculture pest control, farm security, and wildlife management, as well as long-range humanitarian airdrops. Continue reading

Packet Digital to Develop High-Performance Battery Systems for US Naval Drone Fleet

Packet Digital announced that it has been awarded an $8.5 million contract to develop unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) smart batteries, chargers, and power systems for the United States Navy. Packet Digital is now responsible for designing and manufacturing high-performance UAS battery systems for the next generation of Navy Maritime Logistics UAS. Continue reading