Category Archives: Aircraft Propulsion & Energy

Piasecki Gets $37M USAF Award for Next-Gen VTOLs and Hydrogen Propulsion Technologies

Piasecki Aircraft Corporation, a global supplier of rotorcraft and aerial vehicles, announced that it has been awarded a $37 million multi-year contract by AFWERX, the Air Force’s innovation arm in conjunction with the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), as part of its Strategic Funding Increase (STRATFI) program. Continue reading

First Australian Hydrogen Drone Flight

Swinburne University of Technology’s Aerostructures Innovation Research Hub (AIR Hub) has successfully completed the first flight of an Australian-developed hydrogen fuel cell electric powered VTOL drone. The flight test was achieved using AIR Hub’s innovative Small Hydrogen Aircraft Development & Evolution (SHADE) drone. Continue reading

China Tests New Rotary Detonation Engined Drone

A joint venture between Chongqing University Industrial Technology Research Institute and the Shenzhen-based private company Thrust-to-Weight Ratio Engine (TWR) has successfully tested a new rotating detonation engine (RDE) propelled drone. Conducted at an undisclosed location in Gansu province, China, reports the South China Morning Post (SCMP), the RDE-engined drone could open the door for future drones with unparalleled speeds. Continue reading