Category Archives: Regulatory Matters

Survey of European Drone Operations to Help Frame Future Standards

This notification concerns the European drone operator community. It has as purpose to inform the members of this community on 2 upcoming surveys that have been created in the framework of the AW-Drone Project, which is funded by the European Union in the context of the Horizon 2020 Programme. Continue reading

Boeing Joins UK CAA’s Innovation Sandbox

Boeing and the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) as part of the CAA’s Innovation Sandbox project. The Innovation Sandbox is intended to help foster collaboration between industry and regulators, with the goal of shaping future regulation of the aviation and travel industries in the UK. Continue reading

NASA Making Skies Safe for Unmanned Aircraft

NASA’s UAS Integration in the NAS project, used the Navmar Applied Sciences Corporation’s unmanned TigerShark aircraft for its Flight Test Series Six project.

NASA and its partners are taking flying unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) closer to operating in harmony with other aircraft in the National Airspace System (NAS). Continue reading

Sugus Project Launches Survey for U-Space and GNSS Communities

SUGUS, the European Commission’s project for the development of E-GNSS (European Global Navigation Satellite System) services for U-Space, is carrying out a survey to identify, gather and understand the U-space stakeholders’ needs, and to improve user experience of E-GNSS in complex operations and built-up areas. Continue reading