Category Archives: Swarms
‘Traffic Cop’ Algorithm Helps a Drone Swarm Stay on Task
How fresh are your data? For drones searching a disaster zone or robots inspecting a building, working with the freshest data is key to locating a survivor or reporting a potential hazard. But when multiple robots simultaneously relay time-sensitive information over a wireless network, a traffic jam of data can ensue. Continue reading
British Army Carries Out successful Swarming Drone Capability
A breakthrough in technology and innovation for the British Army took place on Salisbury Plain recently, where a demonstration of multiple Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) took place.
Video of Mysterious Drone Swarm Over US Navy’s Most Advanced Destroyer Released
The U.S. Navy has released a new video from an incident that involved six unidentified drones flying over its most advanced surface combatant, the USS Zumwalt. The incident occurred in the waters off the coast of Southern California in April 2019.
Unmanned Experts and Liteye Get $1.8M Contract from AFLCMC Armament Directorate
Unmanned Experts Inc. and partner Liteye Systems Inc. announced that Air Force’s AFLCMC Armament Directorate has awarded a one-year contract to the team to build Web Weasels Autonomous Swarming Artificially Intelligent Munitions program. Continue reading
UK Awards Contracts for UAS Swarm Project
Malloy Aeronautics and Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) group have been awarded a contract as part of the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) Multi-Domain Integrated Swarm (MDIS) project, Brigadier Mark Totten, Deputy Director of Acquisition Commando Forces and MDIS told Janes . Continue reading
NIMBUS Lab Developing Drone Swarm Enhancements for US Army
Led by Justin Bradley, the Nebraska Intelligent MoBile Unmanned Systems Lab at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is working to develop an algorithm to control drone swarms for intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance missions. Continue reading
Smoke and Mirrors: UK RAF’s Drone Swarm Squadron has No Drones
A Freedom of Information (FoI) investigation has found that an RAF Squadron set up more than two years ago to take the lead on developing the UK’s swarming drones capability has yet to undertake any testing or trialling of drones and currently has just four personnel assigned to it. Continue reading