Category Archives: Targets

Naval Air Systems Command Awards Kratos Additional $59M for BQM-177A Subsonic Aerial Target Systems

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc., a Technology Company in the Defense, National Security and Global Markets, and industry-leading provider of high-performance, jet-powered unmanned aerial systems, announced that Kratos has received $59,338,010 for an additional 70 BQM-177A Subsonic Aerial Target (SSAT) aircraft through the exercise of the contract option for Full Rate Production (FRP) Lot 6. Continue reading

Kratos Gets $80M US Air Force Contract for 60 BQM-167A Target Aircraft Systems

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. has announced that Kratos has received a $79,870,161.48 Firm Fixed Price delivery order for the Lot 20 procurement of 60 aircraft, mission kits, certain flight consumables, and technical data for the BQM-167A Air Force Subscale Aerial Target (AFSAT) under a five-year base contract. Continue reading