Category Archives: Training

US Army Opens Drone Fighting School at Fort Sill

The Pentagon said the new institution – housed at Fort Sill, Oklahoma – will train about 1,000 troops a year to plan, install, and operate a variety of anti-drone defenses. The U.S. military is opening an opening a “university” to train troops to defend against a rapidly-evolving weapon that is changing the nature of war — small drones. Continue reading

Benelux Armies Jointly Train to Operate Integrator Drones

During the month of June, several Belgian soldiers from the new Integrator platoon, belonging to the ISTAR Battalion, are taking part in the Unified Torch exercise in Deelen, the Netherlands. Together with their Dutch colleagues from the Joint ISTAR Command (JISTARC), they train for four weeks in intelligence gathering with the unmanned reconnaissance system Integrator. Continue reading