Category Archives: UTM

Successful Flight-Test of Decentralised Hybrid Midair Conflict Management System

Ciconia Ltd, an Israeli company specialising in mid-air conflict management systems, recently demonstrated C&CAS (Co-ordination and Collision Avoidance System) its UTM enabling technology ‘live in Harmony’ concept between a Helicopter and a Drone. Continue reading

UK BLVOS Project Selects ANRA Technologies SmartSkies UTM Platform

ANRA Technologies has announced that is part of a highly innovative project together with Trax International, uAvionix and Plane Finder to demonstrate Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) operations in non-segregated airspace in the United Kingdom.

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Avinor Begins Roll Out of First Nordic UTM

Avinor Air Navigation Services (ANS) is working with Frequentis and Altitude Angel to implement an unmanned traffic management (UTM) system at 18 airport towers across Norway. The system, which is being tested in a real-world environment at the first two airport towers, before being rolled out nationwide, will support the countries future drone strategy. Continue reading

SqwaQ Demonstrates BVLOS UAS Flight Capabilities for Controlled Airspace

SqwaQ has revealed that it has successfully demonstrated its patented airborne LTE drone communications technology for multiple partners. The technology enables drones, helicopters, air taxis and other connected aircraft to share the same airspace rather than being segregated. Continue reading