Source: YouTube
Category Archives: Video
Farmer Herds Cow by Drone to Send Message to Space
Kansas farmer Derek Klingenberg is known around the world for his YouTube stunts, but now he has captured attention in space. Famous for his single What Does The Farmer Say? and for the time he serenaded his cow herd with a trombone, Mr Klingenberg has also made headlines for his ‘cow art’ — herding cattle to form pictures and words when viewed from above with a drone. Continue reading
10 Mini Personal Aircraft | Innovative Aircraft Designs
Personal Aircraft sure are changing. Would you ever fly in a mini-copter or personal drone aircraft? Here is a list of 10 mini personal aircraft | innovative aircraft designs. Continue reading
Is This the Real ‘F-52’ Fighter jet?
President Donald Trump recently told reporters that the United States had delivered the F-52 to Norway. The statement was obviously a mistake; there is no such thing as an F-52 yet. Continue reading
Spitfires at Flying Legends 2017
Nine Spitfires take to the skies in formation over the historic WWII Duxford Airfield at Flying Legends Airshow 2017. Continue reading
Ronald Reagan Teaches Fighter Formation Tactics – 1943
Ronald Reagan stars as a fighter pilot instructor in this training film on fighter formations. Continue reading
Stand Off Missile for the Joint Strike Fighter
SOM-J is an air-to-surface missile to be used against heavily defended, high-value anti-surface warfare and land targets. Continue reading
MQ-9 Reaper Armed with 500-lb GPS-Guided Bombs
MQ-9 Reapers begin adding GBU-38’s to their arsenal. The GBU-38 can be employed successfully during adversed weather due to its GPS-guidance. Continue reading