On November 14, 2024, the Russian Telegram channel UAV Technician announced a new development by Russian engineers: a flamethrower-equipped FPV drone designed to counter Ukrainian UAVs, including models like Mavic and Vampire. Continue reading
British Army and UK Police Use Drones from Sanctioned Kremlin Supplier
The British Army is using drones from a Chinese company that has been sanctioned for supplying the Kremlin’s war effort in Ukraine, it has emerged. Continue reading
Kyiv’s Drone Suppliers Ramp Up Production of Cheap EW-Proof Computer-Guided Drones
In a significant step not previously reported, Ukraine’s drone suppliers are ramping up output of robot attack drones to an industrial scale, not just prototypes. Continue reading
Germany to Deliver 4,000 ‘Mini-Taurus’ Suicide Drones to Ukraine
Germany is reportedly set to begin large-scale deliveries of suicide drones to Ukraine. These drones possess high autonomy under electronic warfare conditions and can effectively strike targets at significant distances. Continue reading
QinetiQ Germany Successfully Demos Target Drone to German Armed Forces
– QinetiQ Germany has demonstrated the first successful flight of a Rheinmetall Delta B15 target drone in Todendorf as part of the German Uncrewed Aerial Training Services (ATS). Continue reading
North Korea’s Kim Jong Un Orders Mass Production of Suicide Drones
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un guided a test of suicide drones and ordered a mass production of the aerial weapon, saying the introduction of such drones around the world requires an urgent update of military theory. Continue reading
Anduril Gets $34M US Space Systems Center Surveillance Contract
– Anduril Industries Inc., Costa Mesa, California, has been awarded a $23,000,000 contract modification (P00017) to a previously awarded contract (FA8823-21-C-0002) for fielding of latticed mesh network to additional space surveillance setwork sites, implementing an unpriced change order definitization action. Continue reading
Poland Orders 52 More FlyEye UAS for $24M
On Friday, November 15, at the headquarters of the Ministry of National Defense, in the presence of Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of National Defense, and Paweł Bejda, Secretary of State at the Ministry of National Defense, another implementation agreement for 13 FlyEye UAV sets for the Polish Armed Forces was signed. Continue reading