Piasecki Gets $37M USAF Award for Next-Gen VTOLs and Hydrogen Propulsion Technologies

 Piasecki Aircraft Corporation, a global supplier of rotorcraft and aerial vehicles, announced that it has been awarded a $37 million multi-year contract by AFWERX, the Air Force’s innovation arm in conjunction with the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), as part of its Strategic Funding Increase (STRATFI) program.

Airbus-Safran Venture Demonstrates Proof-of-Concept for Hydrogen Aircraft Fuel System

Airbus-Safran space launch venture ArianeGroup has conducted a proof-of-concept test of hydrogen conditioning which would be suitable for feeding an aircraft engine. The test, carried out on 12 May at the Vernon facility northwest of Paris, marks the conclusion to a project named Hyperion which looked at hydrogen propulsion options for commercial aviation.